Omega guard adalah asid lemak yang tidak dapat dihasilkan dalam badan kita, jadi kite memerlukan dari sumber makanan atau supplement tambahan. Omega guard mempunyai 7 asid lemak omega 3 seperti EPA,DHA dan lain-lain.
Apa itu DHA? Jom baca artikel ni
The benefits of DHA for a growing foetus and where to get it.
MANY people today are more conscious about the food they eat. But nothing makes a woman question what she puts in her mouth more than pregnancy. While folic acid and calcium may be the first nutritional needs that come to mind, there is another that’s just as important and sometimes overlooked: docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA.
DHA, an omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, is found in every cell of the body. It is critical for brain, eye, and central nervous system development and functioning.
During pregnancy, developing babies rely on their mothers to get needed DHA. Since DHA is derived from the foods we eat, the content of DHA in a mother’s diet determines the amount of DHA passed on to her developing baby.
Unfortunately, many pregnant women fail to get the recommended amount of DHA in their diets and DHA is not found in most “pre-natal” vitamins.
DHA in breast milk
A study performed at Texas Tech University showed a correlation between the amounts of DHA found in a mother’s milk and a baby’s cognitive function. Basically, the more DHA mum had, the smarter her baby was. Babies need DHA for optimal brain and eye development and they get the DHA from mum’s breast milk.
This study, published in the Journal of Paediatrics Psychiatry, revealed a positive correlation between DHA levels in breast milk and newborn neurobehavioural function. These findings support numerous clinical studies showing that DHA plays an important role in infant mental and visual development.
“This study is significant because it correlates higher DHA in breast milk to higher cognitive function at a very young age,” said study investigator Dr Connye Kuratko, a registered dietician formerly with Texas Tech University and now with Martek Biosciences. “Americans have among the lowest levels of breast milk DHA in the world because of their diets, but pregnant and breastfeeding mums can safely ensure their baby is getting enough DHA simply by taking a DHA supplement.”
Developing infants cannot efficiently make their own DHA and must obtain it through their mothers’ placentas during pregnancy, and from breast milk after birth. The amount of DHA in a mother’s diet determines the amount of DHA in her breast milk.
According to Dr Barbara Levine, associate professor of nutrition in medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, “the purest source of DHA is not the fish itself, but rather what fish consume: the ocean’s vegetarian plant algae. Taking DHA supplements produced from marine algae is therefore a safe way for pregnant women to boost their fatty acid stores.”
The Star : Sunday 21 March 2010
Dah baca? So amat penting untuk ibu mengandung mengambil DHA untuk pembentukan otak janin. Kalau kita tengok betul2, dalam susu lactation pun ada DHA. :)
Selain itu, ada banyak fungsi omega guard nie , antaranya :
~ merendahkan paras kolestrol, mengawal berat badan yang obes
~ memelihara tekanan darah
~ mengurankan radang sendi
~ membina sel membran otak ( sesuai untuk kanak-kanak yang sedang membesar untuk menggalak pertumbuhan IQ mereka)
~ membaiki sistem hadaman
~mengurangkan risiko sakit jantung
Jom order dan jadi lebih sihat dengan omega guard!
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